Sunday, June 19, 2005

Whis is popcorn so expensive at the movies?

PopcornIt turns out that most of the money for movie tickets goes back to the studios, so the only way theaters can make money is from concession sales.  Complete story here.




1 comment:

  1. I think the prices are stupidity and greedy. The other day i spend $4.25 for a large soda and to surprice i was charged tax too 35 cents extra. What a rip off cuz i had to return the soda "it tasted flat". Yes it tasted that way i guess because no one buys it, the machine is there idle for hours end. And the employees are nasty people. Any way the best sugestion is lower the prices on all and you will see people buying more. The more volume in sales the more profit margin. Anyway i give it 2 years plus the movie houses will go out of business. Solution: stike Hollywood and the midle man, or die.


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