Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Linked to by the Master Blogger - J-Walk

I’m honored to have been linked to by none other than the J-Walk blog today.   He linked to my story about the Shipping a hippo.  John Walkenbach’s blog was the main influence in my decision to start a blog.  He’s a very good Excel author also, and I highly recommend his books on Excel.  He didn’t pay me to say that and probably will never read it, but I admire his work very much.   OK, enough butt kissing….
I started out very small and just a week or so ago I topped the 100 hits a day average.  If others keep linking to me I think that number of hits will skyrocket.

What I blog:

I look for anything that makes me laugh or makes me think “WOW’ or “That’s cool” or some other exclamation.  I post mainly things that I’ve not seen before, but every once in a while I’ll link to a classic.

Thanks for reading…. and feel free to leave comments on any topic you find interesting.

Bits and Pieces…… We scour the web so you don’t have to.

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