Monday, July 04, 2005

The other 45 ways to leave your lover

Paul Simon has a song called “50 Ways To Leave Your Lover” but he only gives us three or four (“Get off the bus, Gus” “Get a new plan, Dan” “Drop off the key, Lee”) which is a bit disappointing given the title. Any help? I’ve got some boyfriend issues to be dealing with here. Don’t let me down!—Diana R.

Here are just a few of the 45 reasons:

44. Feed her to a shark, Mark 
39. Chop off his organ, Morgan 
38. Throw her down a gorge, George 
36. Fake your own death, Beth 
29.  Run him over with a trolley, Molly 
26. Chisel off his knees, Louise 
19. Select her sister for a mate, Nate 
18. Try to poke her mom, Tom 
10. Drown him off your yacht, Dot 
7. Staple him to the bed, Fred

The list continues at The Morning News

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