Sunday, August 21, 2005

Anagrammy Winners of 2005

  • Premenstrual syndrome = Tampons render me surly
  • Clint Eastwood’s Million Dollar Baby = So I’ll bet it’ll win old boy a damn Oscar
  • The art of seduction = Need that for coitus
  • Bureau of Economic Analysis = I balance USA’s income for you
  • Actor Sylvestor Stalone = Very cool talentless star
  • The crime investigator = He interrogates victims
  • Asteroid threats = Disaster to Earth
  • Relationship expert = Rotten sex?  I help pair
  • The typical blonde-haired woman = On the whole, rated incapably dim
  • Will Shakespeare = Speaks well I hear
  • The legal profession = One gets help from liars
  • Thai food = A hot Fido
  • The nude resorts = There to undress
  • One small step for mankind = Neil’s plan – speak for a moment after moon landing
  • Rap music = It’s um… crap

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