Saturday, August 27, 2005

Excuse me, you gonna eat that?

Choco Dogs
My friend's sister has been known to dip raw hot dogs into chocolate shell and eat them after they have been refrigerated.
My own sister loves icing and will eat it plain and warm. At one point we caught her with a tub of icing she had been keeping under her bed for four monthes and was still eating out of!

 Mustard Crunchies
When I was a kid I had a friend that ate mustard on everything: ice cream, jello and other oddities. But the grossest thing was waterbugs... she'd dip um in the mustard and crunch um... yuck! Thats how I remember her name.
Darla Campbell

 Sunflower Worcestershire Delight
My husband used to eat this as a snack all of the time. He would take unhulled sunflower seeds, drench them in Worcestershire sause and then sprinkle garlic salt on it for some added flavoring. He had to eat it up before his mom found out, though, she thought it was too gross.

 Chedder Coffee
My friends mom has always been "unique" in general, so it didn't surpise me that she enjoys putting slices of chedder cheese in her morning coffee. When the coffee is gone, she slurps down the glob of melted cheese.

 Rocky Mountain Oysters
I grew up in Wyoming. We were at a restaurant one day ( I was like 10) and my father orders a plate of Rocky Mountain Oysters. Now, ladies and gentlemen, these are NOT real oysters. Of course, I didn't know what they were, so when the plate of deep-fried things came out (they look kind of like chicken tenders) I dug right in. After I'd eaten like 5 of them (they do taste kind of like chicken) my father tells me what they really are. This could only happen in Wyoming. Rocky Mountain Oysters are deep-fried bull testicles. Ew. Even though I like the way they taste, I can never quite get passed that.

 Bisquick Ick
A really great dish, actually: Make a couple of pancakes with Bisquick or whatever. Put a slice of any cheese in between (make sure it melts well) -- then cover the whole deal with a decent spaghetti sauce.
Like a lot of the stuff on the list, it's really not as weird as it seems.

 Hot & Sour Shake
1. You need hot peppers (what kind doesn't matter), half a dozen cups of lemon juice, 1/2 a cup of hot sauce, a scoop of vanilla ice cream, and a cup of milk.
2. Chop hot peppers before putting in blender.
3. Put ingedients in blender until smooth.

 Clams Sunday
Fried calms and a hot fudge sundae, clams, sundae; clams, sundae. It still sounds strange, even to me and I've been enjoying it for years.

 Pinto Pie
My Dad demands to eat his cherry cobbler mixed with his Pinto beans.
He says it's delicious. He grosses us OUT!    That's it.

Strange Recipes
I get cravings for peanut butter, mayonnaise and bacon sandwiches every now and again. I also enjoy going to Wendy's and ordering french-fries and a chocolate milkshake, and dipping the fries into the drink. When I get in this kind of mood, my friends ask me if I'm pregnant!!

 Spam Shake
1 can of Spam
1 tin of anchovies
2 12oz cans of beer
4 oz tomato juice
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1/2 cup chopped up parsley
1/4 cup chopped scallions
dash of Tabasco
salt (if you'd need it), pepper to taste
put it in blender and blend until smooth
serve chilled with celery stick

For more check out Utterly Outrageous Recipes

via J-Walk Blog

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