Wednesday, August 24, 2005

N.Y. man in record book for longest eyebrow hair

 SARANAC, N.Y. (AP) - A 43-year-old North Country man has made the Guinness Book of World Records in a new entry for the longest eyebrow hair.

Frank Ames of Saranac in Clinton County measured in at 3.78 inches or nearly eight centimeters.

"I don't know why it grows like that; it just always has," Ames told the Press-Republican of Plattsburgh.

Ames's journey toward notoriety began almost two years ago when a co-worker at Bombardier Corp. noticed the bushy brow and suggested he try for a record. Ames then decided to go for it, but discovered that no such category existed. So, he made a phone call to Guiness and was sent a bunch of forms to fill out and rules for officially getting recognized.

Ken Joy, a machinist and measuring expert at Bombardier, measured the hair in February 2004 with Plattsburgh Mayor Daniel Stewart and the city's entire Common Council standing by as witnesses.

Now, Ames is on page 24 of the 2006 edition, in the "Body Parts" section.

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