Friday, August 26, 2005

Things that are disappearing or have disappeared

  • Rabbit ears
  • Cassette, 8–Track, reel to reel tape recorders
  • Coffee cans with keys
  • Roller skates with keys to adjust the size
  • Metal ice cube trays
  • Eagle Stamps
  • S&H Green Stamps
  • Postage stamps you lick
  • Cotton diapers
  • Metal keys for hotel rooms
  • Typewriters
  • Typing paper (It’s called printer paper now)
  • Carbon paper
  • Mimeograph machines and that smelly fluid
  • Prince Albert tobacco in a can
  • Floppy disks
  • Dot matrix printers
  • Gas stations with rubber hose that dings when you drive over it
  • Drive-In theaters
  • Lawn Darts (Jarts)
  • Rotary dial phones
  • Free glasses with a fill-up at the gas station
  • Gasoline at 30 cents a gallon
  • Film strips at school
  • Part lines (on your phone)
  • Smoking in public places (OK by me)
  • 8mm movie film
  • 45 RPM records
  • All vinyl records… albums too
  • Rotary TV channel changers
  • Wired television remote
  • Air was free at the gas station
  • Flash bulbs and flash cubes
  • Instamatic cameras
  • going to the library to use the encyclopedias
  • Soda in glass bottles
  • Soda bottle deposits
  • Soda pop tops that came off when you pulled them
  • Milk in glass bottles
  • Meeting someone at their airport gate
  • $2 bills
  • Window cranks in your car
  • Penny candy
  •  They threatened to keep kids back a grade if they failed. . and they did
  •  Laundry detergent had free glasses, dishes or towels hidden inside the box
  •  Getting  your windshield cleaned, oil checked, and gas pumped, without asking, all for free, every time
  •  Ladies nylons that came in two pieces
  • Going to the movies for a quarter… and seeing two movies
  • Ugly girl’s gymsuits at school  (the suits were ugly not the girls)

I could go on and on…. and I just might.

Inspired by article on Harris Online


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