Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Your odds of dying.....

 1 in 88,000 of being killed in a terrorist attack.
1 in 55 million of dying in a firey plane crash.
1 in 55,928 chance of death by getting stuck by lightning.
1 in 20,605 in your clothes igniting.
1 in 10,455 of dying in your bathtub.
1 in 10,010 by falling from a ladder or scaffolding.
1 in 9,396 due to excessive heat.
1 in 8,389 due to excessive cold.
1 in 7,972 in a drowning accident.
1 in 6,842 in a railway accident.
Our men and women in uniform stand a 1 in 207,261 chance of dying in operations of war.

More on these odds and what to do about them here.

via Coolio’s

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