Sunday, September 11, 2005

1,400 miles, 110 mpg on 1 tank of gas

Prius  Dan Kroushl punched the gas pedal in his silver Toyota Prius during the final 30 minutes of the 47-hour, 1,397-mile trip completed on a single tank of gasoline.

Kroushl was attempting to suck up the last of the battery energy and gas his car had been running on for most of the weekend.

The fuel light had been on for the past eight hours and trying to break the unofficial record for most miles per gallon set by a hybrid in Japan had become more of a headache than an astonishing feat.

Kroushl and four other middle-aged men are fuel-obsessive mileage maniacs, who drove themselves into the Internet's record pages with a jaw-dropping joy ride over a 15-mile stretch of Route 65 in Sewickley while averaging a little more than 110 miles a gallon.

Read the story.

via The Daily Pick

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