Friday, September 09, 2005

Even more incredible pictures from the Big Easy

One man’s digital trek thru Hurricane Katrina.   A description follows each picture.
Warning:  if you lok at a few of these pics, you’ll look at them all.Crushed car
This is a story upon itself... I walked up the ramp of the Superdome with the permission of the Louisiana State Guards. They asked me not take any pictures of inside or of them. I walked around the dome and they became more comfortable after I spoke of being from Nicaragua and living in the Quarter. Some of them wanted to show me something incredible. At the bottom of the Hyatt, there was this white Honda Civic. When they arrived, they noticed a man laying on the roof of this car. They went to help him and after he was revived, he told them he had been sucked from his fourth story room and landed on his back on top of this car. Miraculously, he didn't suffer ANY major damage! No blood, nothing. Some broken bones and internal bruising. As I left the Dome, I walked to the car and took a picture for you to be amazed.

View the slide show.

via Bifurcated Rivets

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