Monday, September 19, 2005

How to open a shaken can of soda

Soda can

 Have you ever wondered why shaking a soda results in a great explosion when it's opened? What causes a 2-liter bottle of soda to go flat? Is there anything that can be done to keep fizz in a bottle of soda? Get ready to uncover some amazing soda secrets that will change your soda drinking habits.


  • 1. Vigorously shake a sealed can of soda.
  • 2. Invite a dinner guest to immediately open the can! Of course, most sane people will refuse the offer.
  • 3. With a little science know-how, you'll be able to open the can without spilling a drop. The secret is to use your finger to snap the side of the can. This action dislodges the bubbles attached to the side of the can and they float to the top. When the can is opened, the gas simply escapes. As you will soon discover, tapping the top of the can does nothing.

More info.

via growabrain

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