Thursday, September 08, 2005

Nudist's naked burial wish denied

He came into this world naked, spent much of his time in it nude, but will - against his specific wishes - depart it fully clothed.

Robert Norton, of Pekin, Illinois, was often prosecuted during his lifetime for gardening and wandering outside his house in the nude.

The 82-year-old said he wanted to be buried in his birthday suit - but his family are having none of it.

His brothers have decided to lay him to rest in grey trousers and a shirt.

One of them, Jack, is a minister. "He's not going to be buried in the nude," he said.

The other, Duane, explained that his late brother's behaviour was not meant to offend people.

"He was a naturist, and he just chose to be in the nude as people who are seeking nature. He was a peace-loving person," he said.

Read the story at BBC News


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