Wednesday, September 21, 2005

A Prius meets a Hummer at the gas pumps


Prius driver


Hummer driver





1 gallon


That’s really quite a beast you’ve got there.


Yeah, what of it? I like my vehicles big.


2 gallons


But isn’t it the height of arrogance to drive such a gas guzzler? Especially, these days.


Hey, it’s a free country, buddy. At least my vehicle’s made in America.


3 gallons


Yeah, I suppose it is, everything but the gasoline that goes in it.


Well, if you liberals would open up Alaska to drilling there would be plenty of  domestic oil.


4 gallons


Interesting, isn’t it, that when it comes to conservation of natural resources it’s the liberals who are conservative?


I’m not short-changing my lifestyle for some made up gas crisis.


5 gallons


I haven’t seen your rear bumper but I’m guessing there’s a W sticker back there.


What makes you so sure?


6 gallons


I’m guessing that not many Hummer drivers voted for Kerry.


Not if they had any sense. And what about you? What’s on your bumper? ‘Visualize Whirled Peas’?


7 gallons


That’s funny. Nah, just one sticker: 'Think. It’s patriotic.'


Are you saying that because I drive a Hummer I don’t think? I think plenty.


8 gallons


I’ll bet. Especially while you’re hanging around here at the gas station filling your tank every few days.


Look, I’m not an asshole, okay?


9 gallons


I never said you were.


But you think it.


10 gallons


There’s this game I like to play at parties. As I mingle and get to know people, I try to guess which ones would be Hummer drivers.


So the less you like people the more likely that they would drive a Hummer?


11 gallons


Pretty much.


You know, I could play the same game only in reverse.


12 gallons


Hey, I’d love to chat some more, but I’m finished here. 12 gallons. That’ll keep me going for a few weeks. Listen, take care. Good luck living with yourself.


Happy trails, granola boy. Try to stay out of the tread in my tires with that windup toy of yours.


13 gallons




What a prick.


14 gallons




I’m not the asshole; he’s the asshole.


15 gallons




I don’t know what this country’s coming to.


16 gallons




Damn, do I look hot standing against this Hummer, or what?


17 gallons




I wonder if we should have a family picture taken in front of the Hummer for our Christmas card this year.


18 gallons




Darla’s gonna love those breast implants I’m getting her for Christmas.



19 gallons




Look at these gas prices! I sure hope the President can do something about this. Maybe we do need to invade another Arab country.


20 gallons




Bush is a fine president, you know? Maybe even as good as Reagan. I think they ought to put both of their faces up on Mt. Rushmore.


21 gallons




I miss full serve gas stations. I could be sitting inside listening to Bill O'Reilly on the radio right now.


22 gallons




I wonder what kind of bonus I’ll get this year.


23 gallons




What we need in this country is another tax cut. That would set things right.


24 gallons




Stupid hybrids. How would I tow my speed boat in one of those goddamned tin cups?


25 gallons




Me an asshole. Imagine. How dare that guy judge me. People look up to me. That reminds me I need to clip my nose hairs.


26 gallons




Maybe I should take this baby off-road some time. Man, that would be a blast. Nah, all that mud. I just got her detailed.


27 gallons




What would Jesus drive? I’ll bet he’d drive a Hummer.


28 gallons




Born in the USA, I was born in the USA – I really love that song...


29 gallons




...too bad Springsteen is a communist traitor now.


30 gallons




Thirty gallons? That’s all? I’m going to be late for work again.


31 gallons




Look at all these foreigners around here. Good thing I renewed my NRA membership.


32 gallons




Nice weather, I should leave early and play golf at the club.


33 gallons




Hey, nobody’s called me on my cell phone in like ten minutes. What’s up with that?


34 gallons




I wonder how the market is doing.


35 gallons




Lordy, look at that babe. She’s checking me out. Chicks dig my Hummer. And guys are jealous. That’s the flat-out truth.


36 gallons




I can’t get that Prius guy out of my head. Why am I letting him bother me?


37 gallons




He’s nobody. Probably one of them crazy scientists who believe in climate change. He should listen to Rush Limbaugh. Then he’d know the truth.


38 gallons




Okay, I’ve got to let go. Remember, liberal Democrats are people, too. Just misguided.


39 gallons




See, I am not an asshole. I’m a compassionate conservative blessed with uncommon good sense and lots of money. 


40 gallons




Full. Finally. Now I can be on my way. It’s gonna be a great day. Sure is good to be me.


via Blogywood

1 comment:

  1. This is kinda funny.. tho they did a study that shows the building of on prius is as much pollution as building and driving a hummer for 5 years. That makes them both crap to me. I love my yaris 40 mpg. and there isn't even any hybrid crap in it.


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