Friday, September 23, 2005

Stuff that makes you go "Ewwww"

 A quart of mucus a day keeps the heebies at bay: The lining of the human sinus normally produces about one quart of mucus every day. This mucus is thin and watery when the nose is healthy. The mucus drains out of the sinuses into the nose and from there runs down the back of the throat. Here it mixes with saliva and is swallowed. People with healthy noses and sinuses do not sense that they are swallowing a quart of nasal drainage every day. 

Why do dogs eat their own poop? Many animals eat poop on a regular basis. These include rabbits, rodents, gorillas, many insects such as dung beetles and flies, and yes, dogs. (Keep that in mind the next time a dog wants to lick you!) Herbivores such as rabbits and rodents eat their own poop because their diet of plants is hard to digest efficiently, and they have to make two passes at it to get everything out of the meal. This is equivalent to a cow chewing its cud, only cows are able to re-eat their food without having to poop it out first. Another reason why animals eat poop is that poop contains vitamins produced by their intestinal bacteria. The animal is unable to absorb the vitamins through the intestinal wall, but can get at them by eating the poop.

More stuff that makes you go “Ewwwww”

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