Saturday, September 10, 2005

Top Ten Reasons To Eat Macaroni and Cheese

Authorized List

10. Tastes great!
9. Easy to make!
8. Kids love it!
7. Cheap!
6. Fast!
5. Is a meal in itself!
4. Has as few as 2 ingredients!
3. Anyone can make it!
2. Everyone will like you!
1. You can order this great book by clicking here!

Unauthorized List

  • You can still eat it after you lose your teeth.
  • Some brands glow in the dark for romantic meals.
  • The noodles have no feelings (not really).
  • You can store it in your cheeks for between meal snacks.
  • Leftovers can be used in a pillow case in the guest room.
  • Comes in convenient nostril sizes.
  • Protects your fall if you nod off at the dinner table.
  • Doesn’t taste like brussel sprouts.
  • Grows mold very slowly.
  • You can tell small children it’s yellow candy.
  • If you hold it to years you can hear the wind rustling through the cheese fields.
  • Contains no cheese!
  • Ideal for that new Pasta and Cheddar Diet plan.
  • Vegetarian! Has no vegetables!
  • Cheaper than Prozac.
  • OK to chew during the national anthem.
  • Rinses out with Visine.
  • Cheap way to bribe politicians.
  • Works well with the Heimlich maneuver.
  • Even if it clogs your arteries the blood can still flow through the little tubes.
  • Can be used to hide small, yellow tubes.

via Information Junk

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