Friday, October 28, 2005

Top 10 smart foods

Crossword puzzles alone won’t save your brain and protect it from aging, though they will help. So will the right foods. Some edibles are especially good at protecting the brain’s delicate nerve cells and blood vessels from the damage that accompanies aging. Most of them squelch free radicals, the renegade oxygen molecules spun off as the brain goes about the business of the mind. Most of the foods that are smartest for the brain are also good for the heart because both rely on a steady oxygen supply. The risks for cardiovascular disease correlate with risks for cognitive decline.Blueberries closer (Small)

  • Blueberries
  • Dark leafy Greens
  • Salmon, Sardines and Herring
  • Spinach
  • Red Wine, or, better yet, Grape juice
  • Whole Grains and Brown Rice
  • Hot Cocoa
  • Nuts, Notably Almonds and Walnuts
  • Olive Oil
  • Garlic

Read more here.

Thanks Faye

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