Thursday, November 24, 2005

Competitive eating

Competitive-eating-6Entering an eating contest?   Here are some tips.

  • Keep a cup of water at the table to dip the contest food. This softens and lubricates the food, allowing you to chew it faster and swallow it more easily.
  •  Break the food into smaller pieces before eating it.
  • Train ahead of time by stretching your stomach.  Water training requires drinking an entire gallon of water in 30 seconds.  (Some experts disagree with this method)
  • If you feel the urge to vomit, (aka  suffer a “Roman incident”), supress that urge or you will be disqualified.  Once the contest is over you may rid yourself of the massive amount off food you ate however you like.

Here are some record holders acording to the  International Federation of Competitive Eating:



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