Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Unused World Series ticket & Busch Stadium demolition webcam

WorldSeriesTicket05 (Small)As promised last week, here is my unused World Series ticket to the 5th game of the 2005 World Series.  It was supposed to be the final game played in St. Louis…. and I was planning (hoping) to go to the game where the Cardinals won it all.  The first two games were played in St. Louis, then three were set in Houston and then the final two if necessary would be back in St. Louis.  I was going to allow the Astros to win one game, so the series would come back to St. Louis and I would see the final game that made the Cardinals the worlds Series Champions of 2005.  It would have been a glorious send off for Busch Stadium which was to be torn down to make way for the new gloriously retro Busch Stadium.

As we all know, things don’t always go as planned.   The Astros won in 4 games, and I was there for the final game at Busch.  It wasn’t the celebration I had hoped, but life goes on. 

The wrecking ball has started bashing away at old Busch and will 24/7 for the next couple of months to make way for the new $400 million stadium. 

Live 24/7 webcam of Busch demolition


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