Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Woman has 2 vaginas

V-day2Owning a pair of vaginas doubles your fun!
She’s one in a million. Well, technically, I guess she’s sort of two in a million. That is, she has two vaginas, two uteruses and two cervixes.

On the other hand, J’s uterus didelphys – the technical name for her matching lady bits – is, according to one of the many gynecologists who’ve poked around down there over the years, literally one in a million. In and around there, anyway.

"It’s really, really rare," J proudly explains. "There are more cases of women having just two wombs or just two vaginas or two cervixes, but I’ve got the whole kit times two."

Well, except the clitoris.

"Are you kidding?" laughs J. "If I had two clits, I’d never leave the house!"

Read her story here.



  1. Hey I have the exact same condition. I have a question. Have you had any children yet?

  2. never mind just read the rest of the article. I just found out a couple of days ago and now I am the test subject of everyone.

  3. I want to see a pic of a girl with 2 vajs

  4. I want to see a pic of a girl with 2 vajs

  5. wow. that was nasty. but good for her.

  6. Hola, estoy buscando info para mi Colegio, tienen el Video o algun material que pueda ayudarme ?



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