Sunday, December 11, 2005

Euphenisms for death

RIPHere are just a few:

  •  Forever City
  •  Procrastinator's paradise
  •  Assumed Room Temperature
  •  Bought a Yugo
  •  He's on a one way trip
  •  take a dirt nap
  •  Kicked the oxygen habit
  •  The Couch of dreamless sleep
  •  Motel Deep 6
  •  Dr. Frankenstein's "Farm"-acy
  •  Dust to dust reunion
  •  Failure to meet their wellness potential
  •  Field of Screams
  •  Basting the Formaldehyde Turkey
  •  Installed the Kevorkian Plug-n-Play
  •  Went to that big spelling checker in the sky

The complete list at


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