Friday, December 30, 2005

The Top 14 Euphemisms for Holiday Overeating

From Top Five

  • 14> Loading Santa's Sleigh
  • 13> Dropping Toys Down the Chimney
  • 12> Stuffing the Intestinal Stocking
  • 11> Opening an Account With E.F. Glutton
  • 10> Getting Stockingfaced
  •  9> Fueling the Mother of All Yule Logs
  •  8> Dreaming of a Wide Christmas
  •  7> Becoming a Macy's Float
  •  6> Circuit-Training the Ol' Sansabelt Muscles
  •  5> Digest Ye Sedentary Gentlemen
  •  4> Getting on Jenny Craig's "Naughty" List
  •  3> Not Letting the Nutritionists Win
  •  2> Uploading to Napster

  •  and's Number 1 Euphemism for Holiday Overeating...

  •  1> Providing Shade for the Ol' Yule Log

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