Friday, December 16, 2005

What doesn't kill me, makes me drunker

Tequila bottleI think that's a fine ode to drinking if I ever heard one, and as I'm about to embark on my Birthday fiesta, so I'm going to be offline for four days. And it ain't going to be pretty! At this point, I feel that I should share with you a few drinking points of wisdom that I've learned over time.

1. Buy the good stuff. Less of a hangover. Cuervo was just made for puking...
2. If you nail a coyote when you're drunk, and none of your friends saw her, she's a Supermodel!
3. No matter how skilled a badass you are, bouncers will still kick the crap out of you if you're hammered. Has to do with them being sober and you seeing six of 'em.
4. Cabs are a lot cheaper than a DUI. And you're anal virginity will remain intact as well. And jail food sucks!
5. Milk Thistle, Vitamin C, Aleve and as much water as you can suck down will kill 90% of your hangover.

From the dna cowboy  via

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