Friday, January 27, 2006

The 6 circles of hangover hell

Dog_hangoverI’ve experienced most of these at one time or another.  
Fortunately I rarely get past the 3rd circle any more.

From the Modern Drunkard, here are the first 2 circles of hangover hell:

1st Circle: The Ducked Bullet

No pain. No real feeling of illness. Your sleep was deep and all those carbo-loaded beers have gifted you with a week’s worth of misplaced energy. During lunch you torture your less fortunate coworkers, bragging about how you can pound booze all night, drink warm gin out of a dirty ashtray for breakfast, and still show up fifteen minutes early for work. You   crave a steak sub and a side of gravy fries.

2nd Circle: The Thirsty Mongoloid

No real pain, but something is definitely amiss. You look okay but you have the mental capacity of a staple gun. You are definitely dehydrated and after drinking two Gatorades you still feel that way.   You feel kinda dumb and you notice the temporary lowering of your IQ has made you more sociable and less concerned with workaday worries. You crave a fruity pancake from IHOP.

Click here for the full circle tour.


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