Thursday, January 05, 2006

How do you sneeze?

Sneeze typeYour Style of Sneezing Can Tell a Lot about You

Cold and flu season is here, you're curled up on the couch watching daytime TV with a box of Kleenex by your side . . . pause a moment to reflect on the sneeze. Sure it's a nuisance right up there on the "gross meter" of bodily functions, but it's also an amazing part of being a human. Anyone pondering the sneeze will realize there are many different types -perhaps you're a machine gun multi-sneezer, your Uncle Fred sounds like a trumpet and your big sister barely makes a coquettish squeak.  … It's likely you have someone in your family to blame for your sneeze style.

Here are just a few types:

  • Internal Sneeze -- Nothing really comes out except an odd "ump" noise. It's a wonder their eardrums don't explode.
  • The Shout-it-Out Sneeze -This manly sneeze is so loud it can be heard in the next state.
  • The How High Can You Count? Sneeze -- The sneezer that keeps sneezing one right after the other until he begins to look like Count von Count from "Sesame Street."
  • Spray Gun -- This sneezer makes you wish you were carrying an umbrella and wearing a raincoat.

For more … Sneeze here


1 comment:

  1. i sneeze one after another sometimes 10 times it gets anoying!!


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