Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I'm such a dork

Dork Evidence Part I:
I got myself a new flannel shirt before Christmas.  It’s nice and warm.    I was at work today when someone noticed something on my shirt. 
It still had the size sticker on it.  I’ve worn it 4 or 5 times (and laundered it each time). 

LT Sticker  LT Sticker2

Dork Evidence Part II:
About a year ago after I got home from work and was getting undressed for bed I was preparing to take my shoes off… looked down and saw this….
MyFeet (Medium)

I had another pair of tennis shoes by the side of my bed… just like this pair.   At 4:57AM I’m not functioning all too well (obviously) …and this was the result. 
I went all day without noticing and no one commented to me about it either.

Stay tuned…..

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