Monday, January 09, 2006

A nice article about Elvis

ElvisI grew up being an Elvis fan.   Here is a good article In Defense of the King on his Birthday.  Elvis would have been 71 yesterday.

I recently asked my very cool 16 year old niece Jacqueline what she knew about Elvis. "He was the fat guy in the white suit who said 'thankyouverymuch'" she said. "Actually, there is more to Elvis than that" I told her. I then popped in a DVD of some of Elvis's 50's TV performances and by the time it got to Elvis on the Ed Sullivan Show she turned to me and said "This is like punk rock in the 50's". "EXACTLY" I said. We then spent the rest of the evening watching various things Elvis. Halfway through "The 68 Comeback Special" she said, "He was great"! When we got to the end of the film "This Is Elvis" she turned to me and said, "It's so sad". She's right. It is SO sad.

Read the whole article.


Elvis up close and personal_1

Here’s a picture I took of Elvis as he left Kiel Auditorium in St. Louis in the mid 70’s.  I think it was his last visit to St. Louis.


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