Friday, January 06, 2006

Popeye and Bluto

Bodybuilding gone wrong

Bodybuilding gone wrong



  1. Hi,

    I just finished vomiting from your discusting fake arms that are useless. You should take out some liquid cyclone in those fake arms and start training for real. No life to do that.

    Anyways have a good one

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. that is so wrong i mean christ, i know that its hard to gain muscle but wot were you thinking those arms look so out of propotion its un real did you mean to do this and what did you do???

  4. your nothing but a joke lads,even if those biceps and triceps were real,those pathetic forearms make ye look like fools...if your bodybuilding do it right and naturally

  5. that doesnt even look good

  6. That looks terrible.

  7. Hey everybody! Don't you see that their muscles are unreal?! And I can prove it!The picture was made with the help of the Photoshop: if they have so huge biceps so why the rest of their bodies are so weak?Why they have so weak chests and weak shoulders?And if they are so powerful they have to have an enormous venae and they don't have it at all!

  8. STUPID IDIOTS THIS IS PHOTOSHOPPED.... not real at all... fake, can't you realize that?

  9. it's real with synthol

  10. It's not shopped; it's synthol. Do a google image search for synthol and you'll see that pic plus a lot of others. These guys look especially bad, though.

  11. 100% synthol...

    only stupids use that.

    i use roids and i have a real and hard arm...

  12. Their arms are real not photo shopped cause I've seen a video of these guys. They are rank though. If you want to see some big arms look up Gregg Valentino, they aren't photo shopped but are full of steroids

  13. simple use of the bulge tool no doubt

  14. World champions in masturbating =)

  15. Its real, the man on the right took steroids for years and eventually his bicep literally burst. There was a documentary on it not too long ago.

  16. These are real arms. However, they are not made of muscle. Either implants or synthol. Come on, you guys really think that the human body can produce tissue that looks like this..........

  17. The only thing that sucks more than those nasty arms would have to be the grammar skills of the past few comments I read...I'd rather have BIG, freaky arms than have a low I.Q.

  18. Oh, yeah! One more thing....for the morons that think this was WASN'T! I'm a graphic designer and I do know for a fact that these guys are real. Not just b/c I can see Photoshop skills form a mile away, but b/c a guy just like one of them (may have been one of them) was on Discovery Health. People are capable of getting their arms that way and the chest and other upper areas not get large like that, as well. Take it from someone that is not only a graphic designer that knows Photoshop well, but is also very into bodybuilding and has studied up on people like these two guys....and don't forget to work on your grammar! If you're gonna put these guys down, at least make sure other people can read what you freaking type!

  19. LIES! All this nonsense about synthol and steroids has to stop.

    These guys got HYOOOOOOOOOGE by doing 2,500 curls EVERY DAY (in the squat rack), trust me on this.

    Oh, I heard they are on creatine too!

  20. you guys are idiots thats from injecting to much steroids look up
    the man whos arms exploded on youtube and watch it

  21. Do you think this is real photo or Photoshopped?

  22. synthol...
    obvious ...

  23. their arms are most assuredly the result of edema swelling after steroid abuse. i guarantee you they are are not proud of those arms but rather would give anything to reduce the swelling, which must be done surgically. i'm a medical student and have seen this before-- keep your needles clean, and DON'T USE STEROIDS

  24. hi, it's true, not photoshop, and not the first time i've seen this image, they didn't use steroids, and theres nothing wrong with creatin , like a read in this post, they used an injectable oil, that is supposed to fill spaces between the muscle, they aren't that strong, so they did abuse of this substance. google it.

  25. when your biceps are as big as your head it's probably time to start slowing it down a little...

  26. Are those tumors on their arms?

  27. funniest thing about this picture.... the fanny pack hahahahha what a loser

  28. Its not photoshoped everyone... this is real... they inject a lot of different steroids straight into the muscle tissue. there was a documentary about the guy on the right having the biggest biceps in the world... one exploded though as he was using used needles and it got infected... quite disturbing lol but yeah, not fake, just hugely chemical!

  29. Thats not synthol. Thats from direct injection of steroid. And your an idiot creatine will not get you that big. And doing 2,500 curls will make you more ripped not big. The heavier the weight and less reps make you bulk up. Learn some bodybuilding you idiots before saying something stupid.

  30. this is synthol u idiots


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