Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Big old whale carcass washes ashore somewhere

Whale carcas
Sa? da reda??o com a miss?o de fazer uma foto diferente das dos outros colegas de profiss?o, pois todos j? tinham ido ao local do encalhe. Tive a paci?ncia de esperar a baleia encalhar, j? que os outros s? fizeram fotos dela longe da praia. E deu nessa bela imagem.  

 (Whatever that means)

From  via

1 comment:

  1. it's brazilian portuguese.

    the guy is saying that he wanted to take a different picture from the ones other photographers had taken, so, instead of taking many pictures and leaving, he waited until the carcass got to the beach.

    Sorry about any language mistakes.


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