Thursday, February 23, 2006

How to hop a freight train

Hoping a trainWe used to do this as kids.  We’d hop a train behind our house and ride it down to the “swing”, a place where we could swing out over a dirty water filled gully on an old fire hose tied around a high branch.  At the precise moment we’d let go and fall into the filthy water.  (Mom wasn’t real happy when we got home.)  It was fun back then.  Thrills were cheap.

This link is more about what to take with you and where to go to hop a train…not the actual act of hopping on.   I guess it’s for those who want to travel very cheaply.  Anyway, it reminded me of my youth…a hundred or so years ago. 

The picture at right shows how we did it back then, but we weren’t going that far… just a few blocks.




  1. there were signs on the trains which said "NO HUMPING", another word for jumping onto a train.

    such a sign was a very hot commodity in my early youth, because one didn't know what humping was before reading the sign, and someone would certainly tell you after you asked.

  2. Make that "Do Not Hump" in my story and you can google the images.

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