Wednesday, March 22, 2006

100,000 hits

This blog reached it’s one hundred thousandth hit sometime overnight.    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Here are some of the websites that link to posts I’ve put up.  Some also list Bits & Pieces as one of their favorite sources.

Thanks to all who have linked to my posts and to those I’ve stolen material from.  I’m sorry if I’ve forgotten someone.

 If you know of any good links that I might enjoy and share with others just leave me a comment here.  

We’re on our way to 200,000 now!  Thanks again.


  1. You are most welcome. :)
    It always make me smile when I visit your place.
    Oh and congratulations and here is to plenty more.

  2. No,no, no...thank YOU for keeping us entertained!

  3. Glad to see my name here. Love your blog - and so does my dad.

  4. Congrads on the 100k. I like your style. I plan to keep stealing content from you. I hope you do the same. :)


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