Thursday, March 16, 2006

How to fake a picture of a UFO

UFO-pix-4I said fake, not take.  Apparently it’s pretty easy. 

 As the producer responsible for bringing Cosmonova's* latest public planetarium show, "UFO-The Truth is Here," to reality, I knew that one aspect of the UFO phenomenon that would be important to cover would be that of fake photographs. Ever since so-called flying saucers were first spotted in the 1940s, a variety of people around the world have created fake images that they claimed were authentic. The vast majority of these images have been exposed as the frauds they are. And yet even today there are those who continue this peculiar hobby. Rather than feature such photos as part of the program, I thought that the best example for our audiences would be to provide examples that were made specifically for the show.

Here is how one guy did it.


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