Friday, March 03, 2006

Tricks of the trade

A lot of interesting tricks from people in the know.   Here are a few examples:

From a travel writer:  While traveling the rural areas of third-world countries, you may come across some very primitive toilet situations. To mask unpleasant odors, carry a mentholated chap stick and rub it under your nose before using the facilities -- it works wonders.

From a short order chef:  Making toast? Start the toaster before you start looking for the bread, unwrapping it, and slicing it. That'll give the toaster a few seconds to warm up before you put the bread in, and your toast will be done that much sooner.

Winter pick-up truck driver:  It's difficult to drive a pickup truck on slick winter roads because the light back end will fishtail. Shovel the snow from your driveway into the truck bed. You'll weigh down the back end and clear your driveway. When it warms up enough to not need the extra weight, the snow will melt and there's no clean up.

From a bookkeeper:  If you are adding two columns of numbers that you expect to be equal and they are not, calculate the difference between the two sums. If the difference is divisible by 9, chances are you have made a transposition error on your adding machine (e.g. 365 instead of 356) when you punched in one of the numbers.

From a truck driver: If someone tailgates you, pretend that you are nodding off. It'll scares the bejesus out of most drivers, and they'll steer clear of you afterwards.

From an aquarium cleaner:  A strong magnet inside of a rag or sponge placed on the inside of the tank can be guided around with another strong magnet from the outside.

More tricks of the trade

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