Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Fresh Dubya declarations

BushA website featuring the 15 most recent Dubya declarations.

Here are a few examples:

  • One of the great things about America, one of the beauties of our country, is that when we see a young, innocent child blown up by an IED, we cry.  -- Dubya stakes solo ground for the U.S. that is shared by many. Beauty... Washington, D.C., Mar. 29, 2006
  • We support the election process, we support democracy, but that doesn't mean we have to support governments that get elected as a result of democracy.  -- Dubya presents his take on the sanctity of democratic election results, Washington, D.C., Mar. 29, 2006
  • One of the interesting things about Katrina, as you well know, is many of the people displaced did not own their own homes, that they were renters.  -- Yeah, that's... interesting... Cleveland, Ohio, Mar. 20, 2006
  • The people of the city still have many challenges to overcome, including old-age resentments that still create suspicion  -- I think he's looking for "age-old", but his version is more fun. Cleveland, Ohio, Mar. 20, 2006
  • We need nukyular power, in my judgment. It's a renewable source of energy that doesn't create greenhouse gases.  -- No matter how many times he claims that nuclear energy is renewable, it still isn't true... Washington, D.C., Mar. 10, 2006

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