Friday, April 14, 2006

From a list of 200 Amazing Secrets!

From the list of 200 Amazing Secrets!:

  • 1. Remove a broken key from a lock.  * Put some super glue on broken off part, insert, hold a few seconds and pull.
  • 7. Repair small holes in screen.  * Plug holes with clear nail polish, let dry, repeat until filled.
  • 17. Cut glass without a glass cutter.  * Use tin snips and cut under water, smooth rough edges off with knife blade.  (Have my doubts about this one)
  • 23. Open that stuck zip.  * Spray the stuck zip with shaving foam.
  • 33. When your pet has no appetite.  * Try a saucer of beer. It's known to perk up the appetite.  (Works for me)
  • 42. Messless painting from a bucket.  * Punch several holes around rim of can with small nail.
  • 49. Keep piano keys looking new.  * Keep cover open, ivory turns dark if exposed to darkness.
  • 55. The $25 beauty facial.  * Spread milk of magnesia over face, let dry, cover again, let dry, remove with dampcloth, then apply some warm olive oil, then apply some ice cold witch hazel.   (You go first!)
  • 72. How to destroy fish smells.  * Rub butter on your hands or wherever smell is to be removed.
  • 78. Eliminate popcorn duds -fast.  * Freeze it first then it will all pop.
  • 107. Rid scratches from plastic watches.  * Use cotton bud dipped in nail polish remover, rub over face, scratch disappears.
  • 149. When you need heavy duty thread.  * Use dental floss.
  • 194. The best way to slice onions.  * Freezing them first.

The complete list


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