Monday, April 17, 2006

New Orleans Woman Runs for Mayor. .. of Disneyland... Sorta

From The Register:

Kimberly Williamson Butler is running for mayor of New Orleans, but you wouldn't know it by looking at her web site.

NO Mayor
Butler has been superimposed over an idyllic image of the French Quarter on her stump site. The image, however, seems a bit too idyllic - what with the perfectly clean streets, and tourists outfitted with fanny-packs. And, in fact, Butler isn't in New Orleans at all. She's pictured in what appears to be Disneyland's New Orleans Square.

This is a sad state of affairs for the beaten down New Orleans and for Butler. The mayoral candidate was brought into New Orleans to "breath new life into the Downtown Development District." Instead of showing off this work, Butler relied on Team Rodent clipart.

Here's Butler's web site, although the original image is sure to be changed soon. So, here's a handy screengrab that shows Disneyland and Butler's photo.




  1. New Orleans is finished. There was little good there before Katrina, and much less now. It is not worth spending huge $$$ to rebuild a welfare-haven slum. Sound too cruel? Tough.

    Pre-Katrina, >35% New Orleans residents on welfare/food stamps and consistently in the top five crime cities. If the old residents want it rebuilt so bad, then let THEM rebuild it. Not with my tax $$$ though.

    - Frustrated in Houston
    (We have more or less absorbed 100k of the lazy, criminal, fat New Orleanians. Our violent crime has almost doubled.)

  2. I feel your humanity ...NOT!


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