Monday, April 03, 2006

The time at the tone will be....

010203040506On Wednesday,  April 5th, at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 In the morning, the time and date  will be:
01:02:03  04/05/06   Arrow right

That won't ever  happen again. (unless you count PM)


This addition from J-Walk blog

This will happen only twice: On Tuesday, June 6th your clock may display something like this:

 06:06:06 06/06/06

Of course next year on July 7th we’ll have:

07:07:07 07/07/07

And don’t forget both AM and PM


  1. Yes it will happen again.

    In a thousand years, in 3006.

  2. Actually, it'll happen in 2106 before it happens in 3006.

  3. it will happen again next month, if you set the order of day and month to 04/05/06 (4th May 06).


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