Sunday, May 14, 2006

Baby jumping festival

Baby jumpingNo, it’s not another sighting of Elvis…

Book your tickets now, because the annual baby jumping festival in Castrillo de Murcia, Spain is only eight weeks away. In this bizarre festival, grown men, dressed as El Colacho (the devil) jump over tiny babies to ward off bad luck and to cleanse the babies of the evil that infests them when they are born. (You have to love how far these people have taken the concept of original sin: Not only are you born evil, but you have to have some crazy old man jumping over you to save your soul.) Anyway, here are some picture below to get you excited about your trip to Spain. I wasn't able to figure out how much boozing these fellows have undertaken before they bound over the bambinos, though, so don't put your kid out there to be hopped on.


1 comment:

  1. This fiesta is indeed authentic. Why David chooses to comment on the language used in your blog is beyond me especially when he doesn't know the difference between 'loser' and 'looser'. The verb he was seeking was to 'point out' not to 'point' and he should be saying "on" a map and not "in" a map. Now who's the "looser"?


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