Sunday, May 21, 2006

Drinking toasts

Toasts_2From Modern Drunkard Magazine

People talk about our drinking
But never about our thirst.

Here’s to those who wish us well
As for the rest, they can go to Hell.

  What shall we drink to?
To four in the morning!

  Lift ‘em high and drain ‘em dry
To the guy who says, “My turn to buy!”

Wise, kind, gentle, generous, sexy
But enough about me, here’s to you.

Alcohol is the anesthesia by which we endure the operation of life.
 —George Bernard Shaw

Here’s to whiskey, scotch and rye
Amber, smooth, and clear
Not as sweet as a woman’s lips
But a damn sight more sincere.

It is better to spend money like there’s no tomorrow
Than to spend tonight like there’s no money.
—P.J. O’Rourke

Let us have wine and women
Mirth and laughter
Sermons and soda-water
The day after.
—Lord Byron

 Here’s to steak when you’re hungry
Whiskey when you’re dry
A lover when you need one
And Heaven when you die.

May you never go to hell
But always be on your way.

I love to sing and I love to drink
But most people like to hear me drink.
—George Burns

 Work like you don’t need the money
Love like you’ve never been hurt
Dance like no-one is watching
Screw like it’s being filmed
And drink like a true Irishman.

‘Tis better to buy a small bouquet
And give to your friend this very day
Than a bushel of roses white and red
To lay on his coffin after he’s dead.

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