Tuesday, May 02, 2006

He's all wet

BlaineNEW YORK : Illusionist David Blaine on Monday started his latest stunt -- living in a water-filled tank for a week before attempting the world record for holding his breath.

The 33-year-old American was lowered into an eight-foot (2.5-metre) high water-filled acrylic sphere at the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, where he will remain submerged for seven days.

"My only fear is the unknown," said Blaine before descending into the sphere. He admitted that the world would see something "pretty insane" if his plan goes wrong.

A mask and air line will keep Blaine alive, while food will be provided in the form of liquid nutrition through a tube.

He said that after the week is up, he would come out and be handcuffed, wrapped in 150 pounds (68 kilos) of metal chains and dropped back inside the sphere.

Blaine will aim to hold his breath for about nine minutes, while escaping from the chains. The current world record for a human holding his breath is eight minutes and 58 seconds.

Read the whole story


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