Monday, May 01, 2006

Stick It Up the Bitch's Ass Towel Holder

(Sorry, but that doesn’t look much like a bitch’s ass to me.)Dog-end2Dogend towel holder

"Dog End With Towel -The original cloth holder from slam, easy to look after, does not require taking for walks, cheap to feed, does not smell, won't shed hair everywhere, gets on well with cats, well - just ignores them really, and you can also use it to hold your tea towel..And remember..
Should the day come when, after a long and happy life, it is time for your faithful dog-end to make that final journey to the great kennel in the sky you will be pleased to know that his earthly remains (being made from the same stuff as yoghurt pots) can be fully recycled at your local recycling center.
See it here.

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