Monday, May 29, 2006

Things You Didn't Know About Your Body

Here are just a few:

  • Guzzle -- don't sip -- water: Downing big gulps cues your body to get it into the system faster.
  • To lose weight, drink cold water. Your body has to expend extra calories to heat up the H2O in your stomach, resulting in a rise in your resting metabolic rate.
  • Eat cheap tuna. More expensive canned albacore "white" tuna has been found to contain as much as three times the mercury of canned "light" tuna.
  • First thing in the morning it's important to listen to Bach or System of a Down or whatever music relaxes you. Your heart attack risk is greatest in the AM
  • Laughter may be the key to life, but it's hell on asthma. A recent study indicates that it's among the most common triggers of asthma attacks (even more common than dust mites and mold).
  • To get your partner in the mood, turn down the Barry White and feed her Good & Plenty. In a study by noted Chicago smell researcher Dr. Alan Hirsch, women exposed to the scent of licorice experienced a 13 percent increase in vaginal blood flow. That compares to a 14 percent reduction from the scent of barbecue smoke.
  • The next time you feel a cold coming on, slice a raw garlic clove, let it sit for 10 minutes, then eat; allicin in garlic is a formidable virus killer.
  • Don't use hydrogen peroxide to clean a wound. Those bubbles are caused by a chemical reaction that kills important cells you need to heal. Instead, just opt for soap and water.



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