Friday, May 12, 2006

Unusual sexual euphenisms

Here are some of the less well known sexual euphenisims most of which I’ve not heard before (in that context).  I understand most of them when used this way, but haven’t really actually heard them.    There are plenty more familiar euphenisms here too.   


  • Beef bus
  • Bald Avenger
  • Captain Howdy
  • Captain Winky
  • Chief of staff
  • Corn dog
  • Donut holder
  • Hairy Houdini
  • Hanging Chad
  • Hymen hammer
  • Intrusion protrusion
  • Jingle bone
  • Kidney cracker
  • Leader of the sack
  • Louisville plugger
  • Monty’s python
  • Rodzilla
  • Taco warmer
  • Ugly brother


  • Badly wrapped kebob
  • Catcher’s mitt
  • DNA dumpster
  • Easy Bake Oven
  • Fortune nookie
  • Fuzzy taco
  • Hairy Manilow
  • Knots landing
  • Lips that never speak
  • Mrs. Sphincter’s next door neighbor
  • Oval office
  • Pink pie
  • Skunk guts
  • Slobbering bulldog
  • Winking pink brownie cake
  • x-box

Female Part II

  • Betty & Wilma
  • Butterballs
  • Chesticles
  • Glands for the hands
  • Jelly on springs
  • Lady balls
  • Paw patties
  • Pink nosed puppies
  • Prisoners of the Playtex Penitentiary
  • Rib cushions
  • Upper deck
  • Yard dogs

The Act

  • Adam and Eve it
  • Butter the muffin
  • Do a lewd infusion
  • Eat cauliflower
  • Five knuckle shuffle
  • four-legged frolic
  • Get your chimney swept out
  • Get you oil changed
  • Give the dog a bone
  • Glazing the donut
  • Growling at the badger
  • Have a bit of summer cabbage
  • Horizontal hula
  • Make grass sandwiches
  • Mix your peanut butter
  • Nose painting
  • Pray with the knees upward
  • Roughing up the suspect
  • Swiping the V-card
  • Taking “old one-eye” to the optometrist
  • visit the Netherlands

From  via

1 comment:

  1. mmm... didn't really read most of these but i did spot "adam and eve it" under the act. Adam and eve it is from cockney rhyning slang - meaning believe it, or more usually "would you adam and eve it?". It has never been used to mean sexual intercourse.


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