Thursday, May 11, 2006

Woman, 74, Gets Revenge on Gator With Hose

This is just a hop, skip and jump away from my aunt’s house.  (Actually, across the bridge, so that means a long jump.)

AlligatorFORT MYERS, Fla. - An elderly woman, who was bitten by an alligator while working in her backyard, beat back the reptile with a garden hose.

Constance Gittles, 74, of south Punta Gorda was watering plants Tuesday when a nearly 6-foot-long alligator bit her leg just above the ankle.

"I just whacked him right in the snout with the nozzle," she said. "After that, he took off," Gittles told the News-Press of Fort Myers.

Gittles received three puncture wounds and some smaller scrapes and abrasions from her confrontation with the alligator.

A trapper working with wildlife officials later caught the animal in a nearby pond. It will be killed and the hide and meat sold.



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