Friday, June 23, 2006

10 year old asked to remove offensive bandana

From the Springfield  News-Leader about the Battlefield Mall in Springfield Missouri:  (Offensive bandana below)

BandanaLydia Smith and her mom were eating lunch at the mall Saturday while shopping for new church clothes when Lydia saw a mall security officer ask a nearby teenager to remove a bandana.

Lydia was wearing a bandana, too, folded in a triangle and tied under her hair.

"(The officer) asked me to take it off and said there's this new rule we have or something like that," the 10-year-old said.

The officer handed Lydia's mother, Susan Smith, a printed copy of the Battlefield Mall Code of Conduct, an official document prohibiting mall patrons from engaging in certain activities while on mall property.

Without knowing, Lydia had violated No. 10 on the list of 17 offenses: "failing to be fully clothed or wearing apparel which is likely to provide a disturbance or embroil other groups or the general public in open conflict."

Read the story



  1. Allrightythen! That's absalutely retarded! (check the deffinitions on the word)

  2. woooo i know lydia she is sitting next to me right now!!! yay


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