Thursday, June 01, 2006

Avoiding splash back at the urinal

UrinalThis might be a little personal in nature as well as only for the male readers, but I think it is necessary.
Ahhh the urinal. Very convenient and quick but the disadvantage comes with the ricochet back onto your nice business casual get-up.
In order to avoid this tragedy and the ensuing spotty embarrassment keep in mind a little physics. Aim so that it bounces away from your pants. I find the way to go is to aim for the side. It is a more narrow target but the ricochet is usually back across the urinal instead of straight back at you. This also allows the stream to flow along the curve of the corner thus slowing it down.
Another option is to stand slightly to the side and aim for the back of the urinal at an angle. Of course if you are lucky enough to get a urinal that goes all the way to the ground, just aim down so that the ricochet falls before it reaches the pants.

Thanks to Michael Smith, the fluids expert, for confirming that these tips will indeed be beneficial. I think that the toilet/urinal system could probably use some innovation. I don’t know if the current system is the best there is, but then again I’m no toilet designer although this guy is.

I would like to apologize to the women out there who probably didn’t read this far anyways, but there are alot of men out there with spotted pants who insist the sink did it, but we know the truth and we are here for you.



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