Tuesday, June 06, 2006

If your child is born on 06-06-06

666babyFreehold, Iowa - Landover Baptist Creation Scientists have put together a checklist of recommended actions one should take if their baby is being born or was born on 06-06-06.

Here are a few of the items in their checklist:

  • 1. Ladies, keep your legs crossed until after midnight.  A True Christian™ lady always keeps her knees together -- and June 6 is no time to stop.  As your demon child willfully pushes and kicks, causing your lady hole to dilate to the size of a drainage pipe, keep your knees locked together at all times.  This will give your demanding child a wonderful, early lesson that he can't always have his way.
  • 4. Make sure you check under your child's testicles for any peculiar markings. For it is not upon the head (as the hell bound Catholics incorrectly believe and, by all other indications, should be the last ones to be wrong in this regard), but rather hidden in the rough skin on the nape under a newborn's tiny tallywhacker, or slightly inside the anal cavity that one should be looking for any signs of the Evil One. 
  • 7.  Buy an enormous, full Korean wig that cascades thick locks of hair down your back to your waist.  June 6, 2006 is no time for a pregnant woman to be walking around looking like a young boy, lest she be mistaken for Mia Farrow.

Here’s the whole article


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