Monday, June 12, 2006

Stearnest Meanings

Sternest Meanings is a master of wordplay. He has been described as a fascinating conversationalist and a weirdo of flaunter. Sternest Meanings is an anagram of 'instant messenger.'  Whatever you say to it, it responds with an anagram.

Bits and Pieces
Bias inspected.

buffy the vampire slayer
Pithy female braves fury.

wonk wonk wonk
Know know know.

tits and beer
Detest brain.

homeland security
Our decline's a myth.

alan gore
Anal ogre.

how's the sternest feeling today
Good! Threaten filthy sweetness.

bush administration
This bandit is our man!

Anal lice.

George W Bush
He grew bogus.

 sony playstation 2
National spy toys.

what did you just call me
Ouch! Wild, adult majesty.

 the importance of being earnest
One fearsome, penetrating bitch.

Give it a try


1 comment:

  1. try with:

    - saddam Hussein


    - Neil Armstrong



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