Saturday, July 29, 2006

Parent's worst nightmare

Mom and Dad, I'd like you to meet my fiance…..



  1. I *think* it's a girl, and she's very pretty...Aside from the over 20 piercings on her face. And tattoos. =P

  2. uh yeah, obviously it's a girl, a shaved head does not automatically mean boy...and yes, she is beutiful and her peircings and tattoos make her even more beautiful

  3. Gag.

    This is not beauty, as she/he/it will discover with time. Not a very attractive or happy person even without the piercing. Good example of ugly inside and out.

  4. This is beautiful.
    She is proof that you don't have to be the sterotypical beauty queen to be a gorgeous individual.
    I think we could all learn a great deal from this kind of beauty.

  5. to be honnest the person before that said gag is completly and unterly rude, how would you like it if there was a picture of you and someone said "examlpe of ugly ", "Not a very attractive", "Gag" as quted by you.
    just because you might not ever see this person in your life does not give you the right to be so rude!

  6. This picture makes me sick just looking at it. It is okay to have piercings but you have to know when to stop. All this is is self mutiny. There might as well be a picture of a girl cutting herself. She would be a very pretty person if she had not have done this to herself. All i have to say is "Get a life, and get some help".

  7. She's so beautiful.
    It makes me cry to see the obvious pain in her eyes. I say to those who gagged, it is a hard image to percieve but look beneath the surface. She is scarred. And I don't just mean physically. And to those promoting that tattoos and peircings make her even more beautiful? That is indeed NOT complimenting this girl. You think you are sticking up for her. But she is someone who felt the need to cover her natural image and therefore you are in fact saying that she needed this to be more beautiful.
    I hurt for her.

  8. Your all pretty sad leaving comments like that when you don't even know this girl and it's definatly not your place to judge weather she is pretty or not, and especialy wether she is a good person inside because you don't even know her. I'm a big lover of piercings, and I do think that over 20 piercings on your face is a bit much but she is not trying to impress me, you, or anyone else! If she's like me then her piercings are for herself and make her happy. So go get a life before you judge people you don't even know. I think what Tara bellow said is probably tru, many people say that about me and my piercings, but I don't see it as covering up my natural image, in my head I just like piercings. I don't think that piercings make anyone anymore beautiful or ugly than they already are.


  9. She is on some shizz!! .. And those who say that is beauty?? NOPE!! DONT THINK SO!! .. I only have 11 .. and that is enough. Yall need to stop sayin this chick is cute, she not.

  10. I like piercings, but I must agree with those who said that this is a bit much. Then again, I do not know this girl, so who the hell am I to judge her. If I had to take a guess as to why someone would do this to themselves though is that its for attention. I have my nose pierced but she has hers pierced like 4 times on one side. Her poor nostils. To those of you who think this is beautiful, that is 110% your opinion and this is a free country. Everyone has a differnet perception of beauty, so let your imagination run wild!

  11. She's a DOG pretty my ASS


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