Wednesday, August 02, 2006

French Snipers

French sniper training at its finest!??

As one astute observer noted, "you gotta love da Frenchies; only they could come up with a field expedient bench rest that looks like a still shot from "Broke Back Mountain"

french sniper
Note: This is a valid psychological two-part procedure....first you "moon" your enemy, making him furious and when he stands up to give you the finger you have a MUCH larger target so that even a French sniper can't miss!

Thanks Gary J


  1. Accordng to the rifle and the camo pattern, I think it's some UK sniper...

  2. They look like Brits, not sure.

  3. what the ?!
    this is a UK sniper team.
    this isn't the french camo, and by the way, the french sniper rifle is the FR_F1 or maybe FR_F2, not this one, sure.

  4. french, british, whatever. the point is, thats totally stupid.

  5. yep that's a L96 Arctic Warfare, British Pat, dumbasses.... and this isn't a stupid photo, it is a good demonstration on team work.... ignorant dipshits

  6. It may look strange but using youself or another person as a rest in the field or when you can't lie prone is a common sniper technique, as some sniper rifles can weigh upwards of twenty pounds.

  7. Yes French sniper rifle is the it's not French but UK snipers...(sOrry fOr My English I'm French =D )

  8. yep thats British DPM and the sniper rifle may be the L115A3 (the new improved L96) but to be honest its probably us brits fucking about as the cocking handle is pulled out( howd u suppose hes gonna fire the rifle... hmmm )

  9. no doubt, dpm camo, accuracy international arctic warfare rifle, berets, boots, all british army issue. not a chance this is french

  10. LOL Dumb ass that is not the french...I am am a French sniper and i can tell you that that is not the rifle we use. although that is a very smart position we do not operate that way... get your facts straight...

  11. I was actually there and have other photographs that follow on from this one. The competition they were shooting in consisted of a shoot that 'HAD' to involve the No2 as a bench rest. This is the most stable they could come up with. I can assure you they are definately British (Welshman) and the rifle is the L96 7.62mm. Those non snipers abusing the pictures show their lack of knowledge by their words.


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