Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Is it my lucky day or is it just a scam?

According to an email I just received PayPal, or someone pretending to be PayPal, is supposedly going to give me $100 for answering 5 questions.

Here are the questions:

Sound too good to be true?   Of course it is.   Once you answer these very difficult questions, they want all your information including your Social Security number.   On the next screen they’ll ask for your PayPal login and password to “deposit” the $100 into your account.  They might even want your credit card numbers too (I don’t know because I didn’t go that far to see).

The first clue when I see something like this is to hold the mouse pointer over the link and see what the URL is going to go to when you click the link.   (The URL displays in the bottom left of your window.)  Like below:
That doesn’t look anything like to me.

As you’ve heard time and time again….. if it sounds too good to be true it is.

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